Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Riley Grace Uschold

Riley Grace Uschold is finally here and we are in love again. We went in for our scheduled c-section on October 13. That morning I was having contactions so I don't think Riley would have waited much longer. Everything went smoothly. We got there 2 hours before and got prepped and ready. Chris and I debated rather to have Reese there during or after, but since it was such a short procedure we decided we wanted her to be a part of it so my parents brought her. Chris's mom and grandmother were with us also.Not many 2 year olds can sit at a hospital for 4 hours, but she had perfect behavior. The c-section went perfect. It was very different this time because I was more awake and knew everything that was going on. Reese was an emergency and I was pretty drugged up. I was so nervous, but it was over quickly. Riley weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. She is a spitting image of her sister. The first cry is the most amazing sound in the whole wide world. It brought tears to both Chris and I. What an amazing moment. Reese is such a proud big sister and their bond is already amazing. Here are pictures before, during, and right after Riley's birth, and our family of 4. Many, many more blog posts to come of all of our vistors, family, friends, and tons of tons of Reese and Riley in hospital. We are so thankful for all the love and support and to finally be a family of 4!!!

Riley is finally here. Here are some pictures of the birth. Chris got some of the actual c-section this time, but we will save those.

Reese's first time to hold Riley

Reese opening her big sister presents

First Bath

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