Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Coming Home Day!

After being in the hospital I could choose if I wanted to go home or stay one more day. I was so ready to go home to Reese so we could begin our life with our new addition and with the pain killers I was 10 foot tall and bullet-proof. The nurses begged me to stay another day for rest, but I felt more comfortable going home! Here are some pictures of our last day in hospital and first at home!
Good Morning Beautiful!

Going home outfit

Riley didn't even cry when we put her in her car seat. Such a happy baby!

We came home to a nice suprise! G-Me and Pop pop got us a huge assortment of diapers, photo album full of pictures, a banner and 2 beautiful pots for our front yard that we had been wanting filled with flowers. Thanks!

I must of done something right to be given 2 beautiful girls!

Reesie and Mommy time

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