Wednesday, May 6, 2009

7 weeks to go or less

Well, I am almost 33 weeks now. I went to the doctor today and everything looks great! Reese is doing good and growing quickly. The doctor said she will probably induce labor at least a week early because Reese is big and she wants to make sure that I can have her naturally. Which is great news considering at the beginning we were scared she wouldn't grow. All the prayers, love, and support have helped! Reese's room is getting closer so I hope to post pictures soon. I am realizing and I am going to be a mommy very soon and couldn't be more thrilled. I am feeling good, except I am starting to get tired again like I did during the first trimester.

1 comment:

Jana said...

It's getting so close! You are going to be a great mom. She will be here before you know it.