Sunday, May 31, 2009

36 weeks

I went to the doctor on Friday and there isn't any change yet. Reese's heartbeat is slowing down and getting stronger to sound more like a little person. It made me nervous,but the doctor said that is what it is supposed to do. The doctor still says she is measuring big and will do an ultrasound next week so we should know more. I have started having Braxton Hicks contractions. I thought they were just hard kicks, but the doctor told me they weren't. You can tell this is my first child. I am so ready for my last week of school to be over so I can focus on washing all of Reese's clothes and getting the final touches ready. Reese is also starting to slow down her kicking, but I am seeing more and more knees and feet sticking out of my stomach. It is so amazing even though sometimes it hurts. I am getting a little nervous about labor. I am such a planner and it drives me crazy that I can't plan this. I can't believe she will be here in less than a month!!


Jana said...

The scariest part is the unknown. I will tell you like I told Shelly... breath in your nose, out your mouth (slow) and push from your butt. If you remember those two things, you'll be fine!

Ramie Babcock said...

My advise: EPIDERAL NOW!! If you can SAY those two WORDS, you're good!! And DON'T over think the birth--you'll work yourself up too much stressing about it, b/c whatever will happen will happen. Just make decisions based on what is best for Reese, and nothing else--you'll do fine!!