Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent this Thanksgiving in Gatesville with my parents. We had such a good time and Reese got to spent some time with great aunts and cousins. She got to feed horses and goats which she loves. She also loved her Thanksgiving dinner. Her favorite part was sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and of course pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream. Mom made her this adorable dress and church has the prefect fall backdrop set up to snap a few pictures. This year at school I really tried to teach my kiddos the "true meaning" of Thanksgiving which is hard to teach because they live in an "all about me" bubble, but it has made me so grateful for all of the things in my life. I am thankful for my amazing daughter, husband, and my parents and family and in-laws, my wonderful friends that are like family, a job I love, and a beautiful home. I can't wait to teach Reese the true meaning of Thanksgiving!

Mom bought this butter shaped like a turkey. It was so cute!

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