Sunday, November 21, 2010

17 months/First Bike Ride

We took our first bike ride to the park today and we all had so much fun. Daddy got me a bike for my birthday and Jenn and Andy passed down the bike trailer to us. We had so much fun!! Reese loved it!

17 Months
Reese turned 17 months old on Thursday. Here are some of the new things she is doing:
understands everything, repeats everything, all colors are yellow or pink, all letters are e and r, she can get whatever book we ask her too and interacts with them, says yeah or no to questions depending on if she wants to do it, jumps, and says Amen, thank you, bless you, and please in the right context. She is also throwing some pretty big fits when we have to tell her no. But her fits don't last too long. I love my sweet Reesie!!

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