Sunday, April 5, 2009

28 week picture

I am now 28 weeks and in my third trimester! It is going by soo fast! Last night I was reading to Chris what me and the baby should be doing(a weekly calendar I get) and I started crying. I guess it's the hormones mixed with anticipation. I am just so excited to bring a baby into our family and can't wait for her to be here!
Mommy and Baby Reese at 28 weeks


Ramie Babcock said...

Your look great! Baby Reese is going to be a doll--I can't wait to see her!

Football and Fairytales said...

First of all CONGRATS on becoming a mom! I was searching the blogger page under texas people and saw your blog. I recognized the last name and thought I'd click on it. I went to school at Sam Houston too and hung out with the Sig Taus there (I am a Chi-O) and when i recognized the last name, i realized it was the same chris. Congrats to both of you, it's so much fun. My husband and 4 I have 4 amazing kids (3 girls & 1 boy) and I would take more any day!