Thursday, February 18, 2010

8 months!!

Reese turned 8 months yesterday. It seems like just yesterday we brought her home, but I can't imagine my life before her. She makes my life feel so complete. She is doing so many new things. She is such a happy baby and loves to play. But she hates going to sleep. Poor thing will fight it until she drops. She doesn't nap much at all during the day, but sleeps all night. She is just growing way to fast for mommy. Thanks for the best 8 months of my life, Reesie!!!
Reese makes this face all the time. I love it. I think she looks like a sweet little girl!

Reese reading her book! Being a teacher I know how important it is to start them young. I read everyday to Reese in my tummy and have read to her everyday since she has been in this world. She already flips the pages herself and screams as if she is reading it. Books are her favorite toy. She loves Brown Bear and farm books.I am so proud of her!

Playing with her Valentine's present

Reese loves playing outside. I can't wait until it stays pretty so we can go out everyday!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Addy LOVES brown bear. She knows all the words and screams when it's time to read it. They have two others like it in the series!