Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Reese had a great first Halloween. We went to a few houses trick-or-treating and then stayed at the house and passed out candy. We had both grandmas and cousins over. Reese loved looking at all the people. She lasted in her costume for about an hour, but that is much longer than I expected. It was a blast having a baby to share Halloween with. It makes everything so much fun seeing a smile on her sweet face!!
Little Pumpkin

Carving our pumpkin

Our little ladybug!

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Aunt Steph and Cayden came to visit


Our little family

Reese and her cousins


Burnett Family said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pumpkin pictures. Sooooooooo cute!!

Jana said...

I love the pumpkin pic!!!! Addy was a lady bug last year too. I love it!