Monday, July 27, 2009

Trip to Galveston

We went with G-Ma and G-Pop(my parents) on our family vacation to Galveston. We all had such a blast. Reese is of course to young to get in the water or stay in the sun, so we showed her the beach for about 10 minutes and got some pictures. Mom has better ones on her camera so I will post those soon. Reese slept through her whole 10minutes on the beach. I can't wait until next year. She will be all over the place. We had a great time taking turns going to the beach and playing with Reese!!
Reese and Mommy

Reese at the Beach

Our happy family

She LOVES her grandparents

Reese found her thumb!


Napping with Mommy

Dinner with Mommy

Staring at Daddy

Chillin in her boppy

1 comment:

Jana said...

OH my gosh I love her bathing suit!! She's so pretty.