Monday, August 13, 2012

Riley at 10 months

I still have more of Galveston to post, but I had to do Riley's 10 month post. She turned 10 months old today. I can't believe she is already 10 months old. Since she might be my last, I want her to stay a baby forever. She is crawling all over the place, crawling up the stairs, walking all around the room holding onto furniture, and is all over the place. She got 3 new top teeth this week all while we were in Galveston. She is eating all solids now. Riley gives the best kisses. Her and Reese are becoming closer and closer everyday. It is amazing to watch and I know that will be the best of friends even with their fair share of fights. Riley is wearing the same dress Reese wore at 10 months. I love Riley Grace and can't imagine our life before her!!

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