Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reese Elizabeth

Reesie, this is all about you baby! You are growing up to be such a sweet, amazing little girl and mommy and daddy couldn't be more proud! You have adjusted so well to being a big sister and you are so caring and loving. Sometimes only you can cheer Riley up. You have a heart of gold and get your feeling hurt so easily. 98 percent of the time you have such good behavior. You just want to do the right thing and make everyone happy. You are so smart. You know all of your ABCS, can idenitfy all upper and lowercase letters, can write about 5, can draw rainbows, cicles, and trees, and can add and subtract using objects. I really think you could hang if you went to kindergarten tomorrow, but you have to hold off for 2 more years. Your vocabulary is amazing. You speak so well and are so expressive! Sometimes you are a little to smart and sassy for your own good, which gets you in a little trouble. We are working on that! You are such a good sleeper. After stories and prayers you put yourself to bed without getting up and never wake up in the night. You are so independent. You are really good at dance and gymnastics. YOu have the biggest imagination. You don't play with toys much because you are always busy pretending. You do love playing babies though! I can't believe I already have a 3 year old. You are growing too fast. I love you so much!!!!

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