Waiting for her suprise. She is such a little ham!
Pop pop and G-Me suprised Reese with baby ducks for Easter! They brought them down for the weekend and then took them back to raise them. Reese was so funny with the ducks. At first she was scared, running from them, screaming, laughing, and being silly. But by the end of the weekend the ducks were her BFF's. She kept asking about them when they left, but she can't wait to see them next weekend in Gatesville.
Reese sat and watched the ducks all weekend.
Reese got brave and even held the ducks and let them climb on her.
Reese really got into dying eggs this year. She probably sat at the table for 20 minutes and dipped them in the color and them put stickers on it.
Notice tongue out while concentrating
It was such a beautiful, warm day we got out the sprinkler toy and Reese had a blast! We had a blast laughing at her!
Reese decided climbing in her splash pad was a better option.
Our neighbors gave us their swingset that was built by hand. It took 4 of our neighbors to carry it over. We still need to stain it and do some work to it, but we love it. We are out there every evening. We are also very blessed to have such great neighbors and friends.
All the neighbors came over to see the ducks and try out the new swingset. There was alot of kids!