Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Reesie is doing?

What Reese is up to these days? Wow, so much! She is our little helper. She picks up her toys, puts things in the trashcan, puts her shoes away, and loves to help. I am enjoying it while I can, because I know it won't last forever. She knows almost all her shapes, knows tons of songs and motions, can sing most of the ABC song, and has lots of 2 to 3 word sentences she can say. Her favorite sentences are I don't know, Wanna read?, Wanna color?,that's cute, and I do it. She can do a front flip, hang from the monkey bars, and loves to jump and march. She wants to do everything herself and gets pretty upset when I try to help. She is so silly and loves to do things to make us laugh!She also has already starting throwing some pretty good fits. She is only 18 months, so it's a little scary to think what the terrible 2's are like. She also has such a big heart and loves to give kisses. It is so amazing to watch her become her own little person who I love with all my heart!!
Precious girl!

We feed the ducks every weekend(when it's pretty out)

Reese learned to hang from monkey bars at gymnastics all by herself and loves it! Daddy is just there for when she's ready to let go.

Eating apple sauce

Say cheese

Cooking in her kitchen

Playing a shape game on Daddy's phone

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