Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve, Santa, and bubble house

Well Christmas Eve at the Uschold house didn't go as planned! Reese woke up and we could tell she didn't feel well and had a low grade fever. By lunch her fever was up to 102 where it stayed most of the day even with medicine. She started shaking and crying and so we took her to the urgent care doctor. She just had a viral infection that had to run it's course, but we felt better about it after we took her. Luckily we were in, out, and back home in a hour and a half(which never happens). During the night her fever got up to 103.8, poor baby! My parents were here for Christmas Eve and morning, so we had a good,lazy day at home. Luckily, Reese is such a trooper and still had fun playing when the medicine had kicked it for about 10 minutes at a time. We let her watch lots of tv and play when she wanted. We felt sooo bad for her. Luckily, it was a short bug and she woke up feeling good on Christmas day!!

Making our Gingerbread House

Are these all for me?

The night before Christmas Eve we took Reese to see the "bubble house" in Pecan Grove. The house decorations theme is "through a child's eye's" and they have tons of things from children's kids movies and a huge bubble machine. Reese loved the bubbles and started dancing to the music and screaming and putting on a show. She is shy around a big crowd, but she was so excited about the bubbles they she didn't care she had a audience of 20 people smiling at her. It was so precious! Moments like these are priceless!!

The third time we tried to get a picture with Santa. Reese is screaming, but right after the picture she told Santa bye and gave him the candy cane back. I think it's cute!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Ok that last picture is hilarious!

Avery had the same fever on Christmas eve a few years ago. I'm glad Reese is ok! I love her expressions.