Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My baby is growing up!

Reese is changing so much! We are finally bottle-free, yeah!! We stopped formula right at 12 months, but have been giving her warm whole milk in a bottle for night time. She is talking up a storm. Her new favorite words are outside, music, hot, ok, wanna see(anytime she wants something), dog, duck, cat, hat, no,no, this one(while she brings me a book to read), and La,La,La( while she rocks her babies).
I was hoping Reese would have a little more of her daddy's personality of being outspoken since I'm a bit passive. Well, I guess my wish came true.
Miss Laney(her teacher) told me at school Reese walked up to a boy who was playing blocks. He told her, "No Reesie, my blocks. Well Reese looked at him and told him no,no, followed by a bunch of other "words" in her language. The 3 year old started crying because Reese hurt his feelings. Miss Laney said she is not going to have any problem telling those boys off!That's my girl!!
She also loves to cheerlead! I say Ready and she says ok and then trys to copy my moves and facial expressions. Daddy was hoping she would be a tomboy, but I think he's losing that battle. I hand her a ball and she hugs it and places it down instead of throwing it. She does love to kick balls though.
I boxed up the bottles and all the "baby stuff" with tears in my eyes. It really is going by so fast, but I am so glad of the little toddler/girl Reese is becoming!!

Reese and her fireman hat

Reese's new favorite place to read is on top of a chest.

And she is still attached to her bankie and her thumb!

Boxes are the best toys!

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