Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Enjoying summer

Sorry for the lack of blogging. Our laptop is sick with a virus and in the shop. The upstairs computer doesn't take my memory stick and is as slow as a turtle. We have been enjoying summer so much. I love staying at home with Reese and would do it full-time if I could. But I am blessed to get all summer with her and extended holidays. We have been going on playdates, playing at the mall, shopping, and swimming. I have to get Reese out once a day or she goes crazy!!
Reese is learning so much. She can say Mama, Daddy, duck, that, bye, ellow(hello), Jack, side(outside), car, and is mimicking everything we say. She loves to dance at home and in her car seat. She responds to all parts of "Happy and You Know It" and loves to stomp her feet, kick a ball, and walk backwards. She loves to clean her toys up for now anyways. People told me to watch out when she starts walking, but I love this age. Here are a couple of pictures from the 4th my mom e-mailed.

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