We went and saw an ENT on Tuesday. Reese has had 6 ear infections in 9 months. She passed her hearing test with flying colors which is good, but they did find a little bit of fluid build-up on her ears. The doctor said the decision was up to us. We could wait 3 months and see if she gets anymore or go ahead and get tubes. Well, after Chris and I went back and forth for a couple of days we decided to go ahead and do it. It usually takes 2 rounds of antiboitics to clear up her ears and then she gets a yeast infection from the medicine. I don't want her to get immune from the meds, so we are going for tubes on July 2nd. I am scared for her, but I know Reese is a little trooper and will do great!

Look at those blue eyes

First Time in her Big girl seat

Making Daddy Proud
1 comment:
I just read this... so glad it went well. She'll be so much better afterward.
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