Saturday, September 15, 2012

Riley is 11 months

11 months already? It goes by so fast. It's hard to believe in a short month Riley has been here for 1 year. The first year of a child's life is so amazing. Riley is such a ham and has big beautiful blue eyes and a big personality that will melt your heart. She says mama, dada, baba, aaa(for yeah), and Ooooo when she wants something. She is standing on her own and doing the army crawl version of crawling. She is very close to walking! I sure am going to miss her hands hitting the hard-wood floor when she crawls. Chris and I love that sound. She is a dancing machine and loves to laugh! She is finally, yes finally, sleeping through the night. Being a mommy to 2 beautiful, smart daughters is amazing. Somedays I feel like we live in a zoo when both girls and fussing, we are trying to get out of the house, missing a shoe, one girl is sick, the list goes on. But I know one day I am going to miss ALL of this so I want to cherish every moment!! This is what life is all about. We love you Riley Grace and our so thankful God gave you to us!!
Reese wanted in on the action, who by the way, looks like a little girl, no more toddler!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gymnastics Evaluations!

Evaluations at gymnastics were a couple of weeks ago. Reese moved up into the blue group. I am so proud of her. She is really good, but was makes me most happy is she is such a good listener and the first to raise her hand. She has mastered all of the skills in the yellow group. She was so excited to go to the blue group. She asked me why everyone was taller than her because she is one of the youngest in the blue group. I am proud of her!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

More of Galveston

The rest of the week we spent playing putt-putt, feeding seagulls, lots of trips to the pool and some more visits to the beach. We had a great time. Reese is still pretending she is going to Galveston!